Public Adjuster

Why Hire A Public Adjuster?

Why Hire A Public Adjuster?
Why Hire A Public Adjuster? You need someone who is experienced and working for you. Public Adjusters are licensed and bonded by the State Insurance Department. We are experienced in insurance policy language, coverage’s, and property documents, structure and content loss estimating and negotiating. We use our experience to expedite and maximize your claim settlement. You should have experienced representation on your side. We will handle all appointments, appraisals, inventorying, estimates, additional living expenses ad loss of income reports, making sure your best interest is taken into consideration. In summary, we notify your insurance company of the loss; advise you as to your rights and responsibilities under your policy. We review your insurance policy with you to ensure you understand what coverages apply. We prepare detailed written estimates for your loss and keep you updated through every step. We will negotiate the highest settlement possible with the insurance company; make your home or business whole again In short, we make life easier for you during this trying and stressful time. We will take the stress and day to day hassle away, giving you the time to devote to other important issues. We allow you to get your life back to normal. We, as adjusters can legally negotiate on your behalf prior to litigation, regarding disputes you may have with your insurance company. Without this representation, your position, and ultimately your settlement, could be seriously compromised.
What will we do for you!
What will we do for you! Our experienced staff will walk you step by step through the process. We will file your claim with your insurance company. - We will concurrently assist you, your family and pets find suitable accommodations while your claim is processed. - We will expedite the request for an advance of needed living expense money. - We will manage your property EMS needs, contacting a licensed, insured and reputable company that will immediately secure your company that will immediately secure your property and protect it from further damage. - We will immediately begin to secure your salvageable belongings. - We will prepare a detailed itemized list of your non salvageable property with researched values for your damaged contents. - We will ultimately settle your claim, getting you the very best result.